Travel Tips

50 Signs That Show You're A Travel Addict

The one who starts to travel, becomes a tripadic, something like being a drug addict, only that in this case what can hardly be renounced is to travel, always wanting to do it more frequently and to farther and farther destinations. And those places that I had previously seen unreachable begin to see them closer, more feasible, more likely and the world is getting smaller.

If you are addicted to traveling, or you make parts of the "Knowmads, the workers of the future" … You will probably feel identified with these signals (written by 50 travelers from my Facebook).

And if not, it's time for you to join this addiction:

The tripadictos feel that they can travel the whole world without stopping. They come and go, but they never come back.

They discover the true meaning of the word LIFE: Traveling, knowing, venturing.

They know that to travel you do not need to go far, just start to know the city where you live, your surroundings.

They create a new version of themselves always: Problems become small, everything is surmountable.

They have the certainty of arriving at their next destination, because they know they were born to travel.

They recognize that they are one with the world, that they are made of the earth they walk on, of the places they walk and of the people with whom they can share a smile.

They want to take advantage of everything, get excited about the simple things in life.

They collect moments, memories, smiles and friendships.

They understand what a foreigner is, who does not need visas or papers.

They feel that everything is possible, that they are invincible, that the world is small but their dreams are great.

They build their journeys like a puzzle with the memories of who they visited.

They experience the pain of their routine soul that falls and moves into an adventurous skin.

They share their dreams with other travelers and want many to know what they have already known.

They learn that the most valuable thing in life is not measured in material possessions, but in experiences and friends.

They understand that distances become short and impossible ones possible.

Even when they repeat a destination, they know that the experiences they will experience will never be the same.

They perceive the world in a thousand ways. They no longer feel comfortable within four walls. Their soul is free.

They are always open to the unexpected, because they know that this is the best plan.

They never stay in the same place for long, they recognize that life is short.

They grow on each trip, ceasing to be what they were for a long time.

They recognize themselves in all the places they visit.

They undertake each trip to get out of the routine, to find themselves and know their soul.

They repeat all the days they were born to travel.

They have that ability to go home being the same, but feeling different.

They feel that life is a journey and even when it is finished, it takes off in search of a new one.

Every day is an opportunity to travel, so they can travel the whole world in 365 days.

They live the trips three times: when they plan it, when they do it and when they remember it.

They have the ability to be surprised with each landscape, with each monument, with each smile of a local.

Their mind is open, eager to always experience new things.

They are fascinated with seeing, contemplating, smelling, breathing that which permeates life.

They believe that the main ingredient for their next adventure is within themselves.

Elos feed your soul with memories.

They can be anywhere and be in all at the same time.

They leave their comfort zone, to fly with their wings, their dreams, their illusions.

They take every opportunity presented to them.

In them flourish gardens of thought, with each trip, which they wish to share with the world.

They are able to make decisions that they could not before, save money and risk crossing borders.

They can teleport just by closing their eyes.

They have the power to travel the world with nothing more than a backpack and their feet.

They understand that it is necessary to get lost to find themselves.

They realize that borders exist to be crossed.

They treasure millions of stories in their minds.

They enjoy an enormous willingness to try new flavors and discover beautiful landscapes.

The magic of wanting to know new destinations invades them, a passion to break new ground.

They are not foreigners, all the places are familiar to see what they imagined for a long time.

They are the sum of the colors, landscapes, music, smells and people with whom he shared his trips.

They feel they have little time for so much world.

They differentiate between the beauty of dreaming and living dreams.

They manage to feel something unknown and longed for by many: Freedom.

Their dreams are their fuel, their wealth is their album of memories.

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